Recognising and Escalating Deterioration in Residents

Face to Face Training

Total: £850.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Recognising and Escalating Deterioration in Residents

Course length 6 hours

Maximum number to attend 12 

This course aims to provide individuals with basic assessment skills to include use of RESTORE2 physical deterioration and escalation tool.

This course will provide a basic awareness and most importantly when to seek further advice.

There will be practical elements (face to face sessions) to this course alongside a written assessment at the end to evidence the delegate’s learning.

This course is designed to support homes and health professionals to:

  • Recognise when a resident may be deteriorating or at risk of physical deterioration.

  • Act appropriately according to the resident’s care plan to protect and manage the resident.

  • Obtain a complete set of physical observations to inform escalation and conversations with health professionals.

  • Speak with the most appropriate health professional in a timely way to get the right support.

  • Provide a concise escalation history to health professionals to support their professional decision making.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria


Outline to the group the course aims.

Identify any specific learning needs from the group.

Acute Infections

Identify signs and symptoms of acute infections.

Understand potential risk of sepsis including signs and symptoms.

Discuss when to seek further advice.


What is Restore2 to include:

Early Recognition (soft signs)

The National Earls Warning Score (NEWS2)

Structured Communication (SBARD)

Baseline Observations

What are baseline observations?

Understand rationale for taking and recording the following observations, being aware of acceptable ranges:

Blood Pressure


Oxygen Saturation Levels

Respiratory Levels


SBAR Communication Tool

Understand what is SBAR and when and why it is used.

Discuss in detail how to use SBAR

Practical Session (face to face training only)

Practical session taking baseline observations.

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