Self Harm including Ligature Awareness

Face to Face Training

Total: £850.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title: Self Harm including Ligature Awareness

Course length 6 hours 

Maximum number to attend 12 

This course is aimed at all staff working within Health and Social Care who support individuals who may be at risk or have a history of self-harm or who are at risk of attempting suicide by the application of a ligature.

Learners will gain practical skills and knowledge to recognise self-harm and ligature injuries, treat a casualty and to safely remove someone from suspension.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria

Introduction to Self-Harm

Self-Harm definitions

Current facts and figures

Psychological factor

Environmental factors

Biological factors

Consent / Mental Capacity

Examples of self-harm

Warning signs of self-harm

Responding to the signs

Self-harm risk factors

Warning signs – Suicide


Alternative coping strategies

Managing the impact of self-harm and structures to support best practice

Simple first aid treatment for self-harm wounds


Statistics on ligature injuries

Identification of potential ligatures

Discussionon ligature points

Implementing control measures

Management of the ligatured person

Personal risk assessment and approach

Signs and symptoms of ligature injuries

Use of the ligature cuttersdemonstration and practical exercise including:

Rescue from Ligature

Safe removal of ligature

Safe removal from Suspension

Safe storage of ligature cutter

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

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