Care & Administration of Medication

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From: £240.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Learning Aims and Outcomes

Course Title:  Care and Administration of Medication 

Course length – 3 hours

Maximum number to attend – 15

This course is aimed at all staff working in the Health and Social Care sector.  The course begins with an overview of relevant legislation and guidance and provides awareness around administering medication as well as storage of medication.

Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria

Introduction - Understand the legislation and guidance in relation to administration of medicine



·         Identify key pieces of legislation and guidance related to administration of medication in own place of work.

·         Describe the roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to:

Preparing to administer medication














·         Explain why it is important to follow instructions on the preparation of medication provided.

·         Explain the importance of gaining consent from the service user prior to administering medication

·         Explain why establishing the nature and level of support required by the service user is important in relation to their needs and preferences.

·         List the checks that need to be made prior to administering medication

·         Describe the infection control precautions that need to be taken during preparation and administration of medication

·         Describe how to check the information on a medicine label

Supporting self-administration

·         Describe what factors are taken into consideration when carrying out a risk assessment for self-administration

·         Identify the records that must be in place when supporting self-administration

Know how to deal with problems with medication administration

·         Describe the actions to be taken when a service user refuses to take their medication

·         Describe the actions to be taken when an error in administration occurs

·         Explain the process for auditing medication in own place of work

·         Explain what ‘covert administration’ is and what the requirements are for implementing a covert administration plan.

·         Identify ways to reduce medication errors

Understand how the effects of medication are monitored

·         Identify common side effects of medication of widely used medicines

·         Describe the actions to be taken when an adverse reaction or side effects are suspected

·         Explain the importance of medication reviews

It is strongly advised that once staff have completed this course that they are observed safely administering medication in the workplace by a colleague who has the relevant knowledge and qualifications to determine competency.  Depending on the specific requirements of the client, our Registered Nurse can attend the work place to sign off competencies for individual staff members.


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