Prada Willi Syndrome Awareness

Train the Trainer

Total: £600.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Prada Willi Syndrome Awareness  

Course length Full Day

Maximum number to attend, priced per delegate, please call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

The aim of this course is to provide each delegate with a deeper knowledge and understanding of Prada Willi Syndrome (PWS) and its associated conditions.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria


What is Prada Willis Syndrome (PWS)? 

Characteristics of PWS


What causes PWS

What are the causes of PWS?

Atypical PWS

Acquired PWS

PWS by age:

Birth – 2 years

2-5 years

5-10 years

10-13 years

13-18 years

18-25 years

25-40 years

40+ years

Diagnosing PWS

Risk Factors

Risk factors in PWS

PWS and Mental Capacity

Behaviours associated with PWS

Management and Support Available

Identify the treatments available for associated conditions.

Discuss support networks

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

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