Sexual Health: Older People in Care Homes

Train the Trainer

Total: £600.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Sexual Health: Older People in Care Homes

Course length Full Day

Maximum number to attend, priced per delegate, please call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

This course is aimed at all staff working within Health and Social Care.  The course will increase knowledge and raise awareness of sexual health for older people in care homes.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria

Introduction to Older People in Care Homes:

Sex, Sexuality and Intimate Relationships

Discuss and understand terminology

Legal and Professional Frameworks for Practice, to include:

Relevant legislation



Principles of Good Practice

General principles 


Care environments and facilities

Organisational systems and care practices

Discussing issues of sexuality

When sexuality is seen as a challenge

Framework for assessment

Acknowledging barriers to sexuality expression

Nurse/carers confidence in dealing with sensitive situations

Case Studies

Opportunity for the group to participate in working through case studies.

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

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