Ear Care Course

Webinar Training

Total: £430.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title: Ear Care Course

Course length 2 hours

Maximum number to attend, 20 – 60, up to 20 delegates per course

This course is aimed at Registered Nurses but can be attended by all Health and Social Care Staff. 

This course does have a practical element but does not provide any competency sign off.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria


Understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the ear 

Discuss patient education

Ear Syringing / Ear Drops

Discussion around ear syringing and risk management 

Understand the practical aspects of ear syringing to include:

Aural Toilet



Recognition of ear problems

Discuss indications and contra indications for ear syringing

Discuss ear drops and other treatments available 

Practical Workshops

This aspect of the course provides an opportunity to practice with the trainer ear syringing machine

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

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