Behaviours that Challenge and Breakaway Techniques

Face to Face Training

Total: £680.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Understanding Behaviours that Challenge and Breakaway Techniques

Course length

Full Day

Maximum number to attend

Up to 12 delegates

This course is aimed at all staff in health and social care

The course will provide delegates with an understanding of behaviours that challenge. It will identify relevant legislation and provide knowledge of de-escalation techniques.

The second session of the training will include breakaway techniques and a practical session.

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria

Introduction to behaviours that challenge

Define behaviours that challenge in a health and social care context

Explain the importance of appropriate language to describe behaviours that challenge

Identify a range of behaviours that people may find challenging

Health and social care workers own responsibilities in relation to behaviours that challenge

Explain their own roles and responsibilities in relation to legislative framework surrounding behaviours that challenge including (but not limited to) the following:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2006


Equality Act 2010

Human Rights Act 1998

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Positive and Proactive Care (DOH 2014)

Describe responsibilities in relation to ‘Duty of Care’.

Describe what is meant by restrictive practice and restraint.

De-escalation techniques

Identify warning signs from the body that a person is becoming upset or angry

Explain how to assess the immediate risk of harm

Outline the continuum of aggression and what to do at each stage

Identify potential triggers to behaviours that can challenge

List a range of de-escalation methods

Identify unhelpful reactions and own behaviours to avoid when dealing with challenging situations

Describe how our attitudes, values and behaviour can impact the outcome of challenging situations

Describe a range of effective communication skills to help de-escalate situations 

Practical Session Breakaway Techniques

Demonstrate a range of breakaway techniques that can be used in a variety of settings including people with dementia and learning disabilities. 

These techniques include:

Non-confrontational body posture

Defensive body posture

Wrist grabs (one handed and two handed)

Clothing grabs

Strangle holds


Hair pulls

Non – contact guide from one area to another

Non harmful/low contact escort (person still free to move)

Supplementary techniques can be discussed. 

Please note: this course does not cover practical restraint techniques

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