Bariatric Care Awareness

Train the Trainer

Total: £520.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Bariatric Care  

Course length:

Full Day

Maximum number to attendees:

1 Delegate call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

Course Description:

This course is aimed at all staff working in the Health and Social Care sector who have the day to day responsibility of caring and supporting a bariatric resident.

This course does not cover the practical aspects of Moving and Assisting, this can be requested as a separate course.

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria:

What you will learn on this course:


What is meant by the term bariatric care?


Understand what obesity is

Identify different body shapes

Discuss the impact of obesity

Understand the health conditions related to obesity

Treatments available for obesity

Bariatric surgery

Admitting a bariatric resident to Care Home:

Discuss the potential challenges associated with a bariatric resident in the care home.

Understand the practical aspects of moving and assisting, including risk assessing

Identify bariatric equipment available

Discuss the multi-disciplinary team involvement in bariatric care

Discuss care planning

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