Fluids and Nutrition

Train the Trainer

Total: £520.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title: Fluids and Nutrition

Course length

Full Day

Maximum number to attend

Price per delegate, please call 01376 537999 for additional delegates

This course is aimed at all staff in health and social care.

At the end of the training session, there is a short-written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.  This course includes a brief introduction to the new International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria

Introduction - Principles of Hydration and Nutrition

Explain what is meant by the term malnutrition

Explain the importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and wellbeing. (8.1b)

List signs and symptoms of poor nutrition and hydration. (8.1c)

Explain how to promote adequate nutrition and hydration. (8.1d)

Support for Individuals

Support individuals to have access to fluids in accordance with their plan of care

Support individuals to have access to food and nutrition in accordance with their plan of care.


Understand what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet.

List the five food groups that make up a healthy, balanced diet.

Explain how to use the Eatwell Plate to portion food appropriately.

Explain the importance of nutrition screening tools to identify malnutrition.

Identify a variety of ways that food can be cooked.

Explore food requirements for different religious groups

International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI)

Understand what is IDDSI?

Discuss the IDDSI framework

Mapping to IDDSI

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