Reablement Awareness

Train the Trainer

Total: £600.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Reablement Awareness

Course length Full Day

Maximum number to attend, priced per delegate, please call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

This course is aimed at all staff in health and social care.

The course provides delegates with an awareness of reablement and the process involved.

Reablement is not limited to a focus on regaining physical independence but should also address people’s broader social and psychological needs to build their overall confidence and maximise their quality of life (SCIE)

At the end of the training session, there is a short-written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria

Introduction to Reablement

What is reablement?

Discuss policy and legislation

Who can receive reablement? 

Identify the benefits of reablement

What are the impacts of reablement?

Discuss person centred goal setting

Skill mix and supporting services

The role of families in the success of reablement

The Reablement Process

Identify the assessments that are undertaken

Discuss adjustments or equipment that may be needed

Understand the importance of forward planning

Discuss involvement of MDT

Maximising the potential of reablement

Successfully ending reablement

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