Throw & Tell Ball
Throw & Tell Ball

Throw & Tell Ball

SKU: A401
Find Memory Care
£14.50(Exc VAT)
In Stock
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Product Description

This Item is an amazing conversational tool. Simply throw, roll or kick the ball to another person. When the ball is caught, your thumb will land on a question on the ball. Not only does this Item encourage conversation, and bring back memories, it also is extremely useful to help add to an individuals care plan.


  • Encourages people to discuss familiar, comfortable information that is unique to them
  • Enables people to express meaningful, personal preferences in a no-pressure situation
  • Prompts unchallenging interaction
  • Promotes physical movement and hand-eye coordination
  • Generates information carers can utilise to make people happier and more comfortable

 Size: 6" / 150mm diameter Weight:132g

Glenn Knight CEO of Training 2 CARE Group comments " As the video will tell you, I LOVE THIS ITEM, I have seen it working and looking at the faces of the people playing the game I was amazed by the impact.  I still cannot believe that there are care providers that have not got a throw and tell ball, as this activity is a must for all."