Laundry bag, polyester, base handle x 20
SKU: L801

At we take our social responsibilities to preventing the spread of pathogens such as covid-19 very seriously. Infection control must be at the heart of everything that we do as we learn to live with Covid-19 to not only protect the vulnerable but also protect the amazing people that deliver care and support on a daily basis. Drawstring bags are a big part of this and are widely used across our industry, but should people being supported at home also look at this solution to give that added protection. These drawstring bags are designed to fit over a wide range of soiled linen carts but also can be used independently. Size is 70cm x 101cm and are polyester so work in any washing machine.
Glenn Knight CEO Training 2 CARE comments "These are professional bags that are ideal for any care provider and indeed this brand is used across the care network. But why haven't the domestic marketplace been given the opportunity to purchase these until brought them to your attention. It makes sense that if you are carrying soiled linen fro bathrooms, bedrooms etc through the house that we protect everyone involved. Being able to encapsulate the germs, bacteria and potentially infections in a bag that then goes into a washing machine doesn't just make sense, it is an obvious step for everyone to take".